We will talk about the latest situation of the HIV pandemic, which has been continuing for 40 years in different regions of the world with different characteristics, in Turkey and in the world, with the participation of our world-renowned guests in the session "40-year HIV pandemic in the shadow of a pandemic" session.
Since the first day of the coronavirus pandemic, which has affected the whole world, representatives of three non-governmental organizations operating in the field of HIV in Turkey, Red Ribbon Istanbul, Positive Living Association and Pozitifiz Association, shared their experiences of fighting against another pandemic in one pandemic with the "COVID-19 What did we learn from : Current studies of associations working in the field of HIV in Turkey and civil society's tools to combat HIV in the coronavirus pandemic” session.
In the session “Another dimension of activism: Physician Associations”, we will listen to the work of associations made up of infectious disease specialists, who are heroes for individuals living with HIV, and the details of their scientific contributions to the field, from the representatives of physician associations.
The problems experienced by individuals living with HIV due to discrimination and stigmatization negatively affect their work life. “Field Research on the Level of Knowledge for the Diagnosis of HIV in Human Resource Management Mechanisms in Business Life”, which has been concluded in the near term and will project the problems experienced by individuals living with HIV in their working life; and In the "Living with HIV at Work" session, the results of the "Legal HIV Infection at Workplace: Supporting the Working Life of Individuals Living with HIV and Preventing Violations of the Right to Work" will also be included.
One of the scientific facts of the century: “If the viral load of an individual living with HIV is at an undetectable level, the risk of transmitting the virus to someone else sexually is zero!” So if it can't be detected, it's not contagious! Representatives of the B=B message, which is one of the most powerful tools today in the fight against discrimination and stigma against HIV, and infectious diseases specialists from Turkey who strongly advocate B=B, and this scientific fact that totally changed the rules of the game “HIV's Golden Age: We will talk in detail in the session “Undetermined = Not Infected”.
Continuity and sustainability in the treatment of HIV infection are very important for the success of the treatment. However, possible problems that individuals may experience in their access to social insurance services and barriers to accessing treatment cause a different HIV trauma. "An HIV Trauma: What if I can't continue my treatment?" In this session, we will approach access to treatment from both a technical and psychological perspective.
With the developing technology and new findings, a great way has been made in HIV treatment. In the session titled “New Approaches to Life with HIV with Developing Treatments”, where we will talk about current treatments and definitive treatment (healing) in HIV treatment, we will learn about the latest developments from experts and talk about the diversity of treatment in Turkey.
Working towards groups who are vulnerable to HIV and especially those who have problems in accessing health services is one of the main elements of the fight against HIV. In the session titled “Key population in the fight against HIV in Turkey”, where we will listen to the studies carried out in our country for key populations, which also have an important place in the strategic plans of UNAIDS, we will discuss the work of youth, women, sex workers, refugees and LGBTI+ groups, the activities of associations working in these areas. We will hear from the representatives.
Combating HIV Stigma and Discrimination
Although HIV infection is a health condition, it is the most subject to discrimination, marginalization and stigmatization in the history of humanity and medicine since its first emergence. The results of two separate studies on individual and institutionalized stigma will also be announced, “HIV Stigma: Are you one of those we can otherize?” In the session, we will talk about stigmatization and discrimination against HIV.
In the "Living with HIV as a Woman" session, where we will talk about the difficulty of being a woman in Turkey from the perspective of HIV, we will examine in detail the results of a recent research conducted among nurses and other health personnel on access to gynecology services, and we will discuss the phenomenon of living with HIV as a woman with the experts.
HIV prevention tools, which have an important place in the fight against HIV, are now more and more effective! Especially in recent years, researches and developments in HIV science have shown us that an active substance used in HIV treatment can also be used as a transmission prevention method. In the session titled “Proven Success in Protection: PrEP”, where we will talk about PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), which has not yet been officially accepted as a prevention tool in Turkey, we will also talk about the problems in our country and solutions for how to overcome them.
The old age period, where different diseases and health problems are struggled, can be even more difficult if an individual is living with HIV and is getting older. While the presence of people living with HIV, who are aging in our country, is increasing, we will examine the issue in depth with our special and expert guests in the "Getting Older with HIV" session, where we will talk in detail about what people living with HIV should know.